புதன், 20 ஜனவரி, 2010

Self Medication

Last week while I was buying some prescribed medicines at a local chemist, a person who was next to me at the chemist counter asking for some eye drops by showing his eyes with the complaint of redness. Immediately the shop keeper dispensed one vial containing eye drops. Due to curiosity I just noted the content of the eye drops and then I was shocked. Oh my God it was a steroid eye drops!

Redness of the eye or Red Eye/Eyes is caused due to various causes. Common cause being Viral Conjunctivitis (popularly known as 'Madras Eye'). If someone uses steroid eye drops for this condition then it will very much aggravate the situation. Even it may leads to severe complications such as pain, swelling & blurred vision.

Red Eye can also occur in Glaucoma (Glaucoma- a condition caused due to increased Intra Ocular Pressure). Glaucoma needs immediate attention and a proper treatment by the specialists. Treatment delay or the self- medication may cause permanent blindness.

Only an Eye Specialist is able to find out the exact cause for the redness and treat the condition properly.

The chemist apparently unaware of this fact. The sufferer is the innocent common man.

Hence before using any eye drops, make sure that it is prescribed by an Eye Specialist. Please do take sufficient precautions before handling any eye drops/ophthalmic preparations.

We should change the wrong belief that all type of eye ailments can be cured by applying eye drops just like that. Avoid Self medication. Your Sight is precious to you!

Imagine a life without eyesight.

For any eye problems always consult an Eye Specialists/qualified vision care professionals.

Because the 'Sight is Precious'.

வியாழன், 14 ஜனவரி, 2010

Beginning of Thai month

During the search in net while helping my daughter for her project just I have noted 'Aerva lanata' plant and wondered about its medicinal values and other important factors. The plant is commonly seen at waste ground , forests and outside the cities.

The plant was called in different names in different languages. In Tamil – Sirru pulay, Telugu -Pinde conda, Malayalam – Cherula, Marathi – Kapu madhura , Rajasthani – Bhui and in Hindi – Chaya. Normally one doesn't take care of this plant. But in Pongal days the same plant got special status.

As we know Pongal festival is celebrating all over India in different names. In Tamilnadu peoples are cleaning their houses and painted before the pongal. They also decorated with beautiful colourful kolam both inside and outside of the houses. On the day of Pongal after worshiping the God with Pongal they insert the sirru pulay flower on the top of the roof their houses. Hence here this flower is also known as Koorai Poo. Koorai means roof. Poo means Flower.

While talking with Prof.G.Thirumaran one of the Tamil Scholar of Tiruchirappalli says that this is a custom of Tamil people from early days. This flower indicates the joyful beginning of the festival celebration. There is spiritual myth also behind this koorai poo insertion. The flower will protect the people from evil spirit.

One can also wonder after hearing its medicinal values. It is a good medicine for urethral problem and also used in stone formation. Leaf decoction is best for sore throat. In those days people were using this plant as medicine for snake bite.

There is a proverb in Tamil. That is 'there is s good way by the beginning of Tamil month of 'Thai.' So whoever seeing the flower on the top of houses were happy and self motivated . Because Thai month was started and they believe there will be good future for them.