திங்கள், 15 பிப்ரவரி, 2010

Motivate kids

Twenty years back while I was working in Puduruthamanur - a remote village in Trichirappalli District in Tamil Nadu,  most of the staffs who were staying  in the hospital quarters were complaining about the poor eating habits of their kids. It was a big problem for my colleagues. (I was a bachelor at that time). Due to  the nutritional deficiencies almost all kids were suffering from some kind of illness.
Those days I was extensively involved in promoting health education in and around the villages of Lalgudi. A good slide projector was available in our health center and I used this projector for my health education activities.
During the weekends whenever I was doing health education activities nearby villages I used  to involve all the children who were in the residential quarters. They help me during these  health educational activities and slowly they used to volunteer all such activities willingly. Later on one day I had done a health education program exclusively for all these kids.  I made use of those selective slides such as the  important of  the balanced diet, nutritional values of green leafy vegetables, importance of those curry and coriander leaves which usually not consumed by us, the importance of hand washing with soaps and other personal hygienic habits. etc. Everyone who had attended those programs was very interestingly participated.
After some days to my surprise few of my colleagues were wondering and asked me as to 'What you have done? Have you done any magic? Due to the effective health education initiative the food habit of those kids had changed dramatically. The kids were asking their mothers to put more vegetables and leafy vegetables in their food during their meal time with a special reference to my message to those kids . Every one of my colleagues were really very happy about this positive change.
Moral :  The motivation of the children needs creative and constructive ideas.

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